How to Cook Perfect Mi Rebus Cemek2
Mi Rebus Cemek2. Lihat juga resep Mi rebus ala padang enak lainnya.
You can have Mi Rebus Cemek2 using 12 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it.
Ingredients of Mi Rebus Cemek2
- Prepare 3 bks of mi instan.
- You need 1 of .lmbr mihun jagung.
- It's of bumbu.
- Prepare 2 of bawang putih.
- You need 1 of bawang merah.
- You need 5 of rawit.
- Prepare 2 of camer.
- You need 1 of daun bawang.
- It's sejumput of garam.
- You need sedikit of merica bubuk.
- It's of semangkuk air.
- Prepare 1/4 bagian of labu jipang, iris2.
Mi Rebus Cemek2 instructions
- Potong atau giling, bawang2 cabe, labu, plus daun bawang..
- Tumis bumbu, sampe harum, masukkan labu, aduk2. masukkan air, garam dan lada bubuk. biarkan mendidih.
- Masukkan mi instan, dan mihun, aduk rata..
- Sesaat sebelum api kompot mati, masukkan bumbu2 dr mi instan. segera matikan api. aduk2 lagi..
- Tambahin rawit bulat, jika suka, aduk lagi..ayook nyaraaap๐๐. pas numis bumbu, boleh kasi telor diacak2 sm bumbu ya..kali ini sy nggak, karna telornya sy goreng dadar.
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