Recipe: Delicious Mi ayam home made

Mi ayam home made. Cara membuat mie ayam dengan mudah di rumah, dari mulai meracik mie sebagai bahan utama, disusul degan bumbu dan kuah kaldunya. Selain sehat tanpa bahan. super simple , tutorial membuat mie ayam home made. Mie ayam, mi ayam or bakmi ayam (Indonesian for 'chicken bakmi', literally chicken noodles) is a common Indonesian dish of seasoned yellow wheat noodles topped with diced chicken meat (ayam).

Mi ayam home made Mie yamin dengan tumisan ayam sudah biasa, tapi mie dengan cincangan ayam goreng yang crispy ini unik dengan. Resep Mie Ayam Home Made Ala Yunda Yun. Pingin buat mie ayam sendiri yang lebih enak dan sehat? atau pingin bikin mie ayam untuk praktek jualan? You can cook Mi ayam home made using 21 ingredients and 20 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Mi ayam home made

  1. It's 1/4 kg of dada ayam fillet.
  2. Prepare 1/2 kg of cakar dan kepala ayam.
  3. It's 5 btg of daun bawang.
  4. Prepare of Pok coy / sawi daging.
  5. You need of Mi kering (burung dara/eko/nikmat/ terserah merk apa aja.
  6. It's of Kecap manis.
  7. It's of Saos tiram.
  8. Prepare of Raja rasa.
  9. It's of Gula.
  10. It's of Garam.
  11. It's of Penyedap rasa.
  12. You need of bumbu halus.
  13. Prepare 5 siung of bawang merah.
  14. Prepare 4 siung of bawangvputih.
  15. You need 1 ruas of kunyit.
  16. Prepare of bumbu geprek.
  17. You need 1 btg of serai.
  18. It's 3 lembar of daun jeruk purut.
  19. You need 3 lembar of salam.
  20. You need 1 ruas of jahe.
  21. You need 1 ruas of lengkuas.

Well bunda bisa mencoba resep mi. Kami menyediakan Mie Ayam & Mie Ayam Bakso Homemade, Gado-Gado, Salad Buah. The winners need to collect their prizes in person from Please note: Mi Home will not dispatch any prizes/ gift items via courier or speed post to Bangalore or other location. All prizes are to be claimed by the.

Mi ayam home made instructions

  1. Potong dadu daging ayam.
  2. Rebus daging ayam, ceker dan kepala.
  3. Buang airny.
  4. Cuci bersih.
  5. Lalu rebus lagi.
  6. Tumis bumbu halus.
  7. Masukkan dlm rebusan ayam.
  8. Masukkan serai, daun salam, daun jeruk purut, jahe dan lengkuas.
  9. Tambahkan kecap 3 sdm kecap manis, 2 sdm saos raja rasa, dan 1 sdm saos tiram.
  10. Tambah gula garam sesuai selera.
  11. Rebus sampai air susut,..
  12. Masukkan irisan daun bawang.
  13. Koreksi rasa..
  14. Untuk kuah, rebus tulang ayam dan bbrpa ceker ayam.
  15. Masukkan 2 siung bawang putih geprek.
  16. 1/2 sdt mrica bubuk.
  17. Garam.
  18. Dan penyedap rasa ayam. Lalu koreksi rasa.
  19. Rebus mi, lalu tiriskan.
  20. Sajikan mi dg kuah, rebusan sawi, dan toping d atasnya.

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